A study of Bharatanatyam is a study of movementA study of Bharatanatyam is a study how the brain initiates, sustains, terminates, and perceives movement! A thillana, for example, is a combination of subtle movements of the eyes called saccades, to big sweeping movements that cover lateral distance! Saṃbhūya is supported by a 2023-24 CUNY Dance Initiative grant.On April 19, 2024, I a presenting Saṃbhūya: Understanding the Brain through Dance. Saṃbhūya" is a Sanskrit word that means “through joint effort”. Through this project, I will articulate how the sciences and the arts are complementary ways of appreciating the world around us! [Ragam: Behag; Talam: Aadi; Composer and Choreographer: Smt. Maheshwari Nagarajan, Nritya Kala Kendra; Vocals: Jayan Nair; Guidance and inspiration: Vanitha Jayan]. A big thanks to Manjari Krishna and Manav for beautiful music!
About SlokaMy name is Sloka. I am a neuroscientist and Bharatanatyam dancer; you can find more about me here. Archives
December 2024