Top image: Performing at Stuyvesant High School as part of its Art Immersion Project. PC: Caleb Lee.
I am so glad I have been able to work with great scientists and artists and continue to do so! Collaborations are key! If you would like to work with me, I would love to hear from you.
Here are some guidelines for performance-based and writing projects that I have taken part in over the years. I hope these help guide our work together: |
Performance-based projects (please provide images to help visualize the space and plan the event):
- Practical matters: Can we do a sound check and a run-through on stage before the event?
- Stage: The ideal configuration is a raised stage that is constructed of wood or Marley.
- It is not necessary for the stage to be raised, as long as alternative arrangements, such as banked seating, enable the audience to view the dance completely.
- However, the surface of the stage is of critical importance. Shoes are not worn when performing Bharatanatyam, so we cannot work with surfaces that are, for example, carpeted, or broken, or have protruding sharp objects.
- What is the shape of the space and its dimensions?
- Is there considerable traffic nearby?
- What is the maximum occupancy for the space?
- Outdoors performance: If the area is a grassy expanse, is it flat? Is it clear of sticks, pebbles, bottle caps, and other objects and debris?.
- Audiovisual needs:
- What is the best way to share recorded and play (recorded) music?
- If the space is an enclosed room, is it soundproofed?
- How is the space illuminated, and can this be configured for the event?
- Is equipment available to project and advance slides?
- Will a lighting technician and a lighting map be available?
- What are the microphone options? Will there be a handheld microphone with a stand, or a lavalier microphone?
- What is the best way to share recorded and play (recorded) music?
- Images and videos: Will the event be photographed and/or videoed?
- Greenroom: A clean and secure place to prepare with a full-length mirror is essential
- Accessibility: Accessibility is important! Please share accessibility details for your space. The Manhattan Theatre Club has some great ideas on how to view your space from the perspective of accessibility.
Research and writing projects:
- The convergence of Bharatanatyam and neuroscience, and the use of Bharatanatyam for creative aging, are my two areas of current interest. You can get a more detailed idea of my current direction by looking at my publications and articles on this website. If you have an idea that might fit into these areas, let's discuss!
- Please look at my publications and articles on this website on the convergence of Bharatanatyam and neuroscience, and the use of Bharatanatyam for creative aging.
- Please share
- A short description of the project you would like to do with me.
- A selection of citations of your previous publications. Papers where you were primary author would be ideal.
- A short description of the project you would like to do with me.
- For journal articles, please take a look at the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) “Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors” for authorship criteria. These are:
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
- Final approval of the version to be published;
- Drafting the work or reviewing it critically for important intellectual content;
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
The convergence of arts and science is a new and exciting field, as is the use of Bharatanatyam for creative aging. We are a part of something enormous, and I am delighted to be working with you!
(Special thanks to Carol Schachter, Melanie Futorian, and Michael Tanksley for their help in writing this article.)